Mortgage protection Insurance price battle continues have led the market for many years, in passing on all discounts, to our mortgage protection clients. Some other advisers appear to have preferences with one Life Company of another or do not pass on full discounts available to them in the form of lower prices.
We have been offering full discounts on Royal London, Zurich and Aviva and this is now being extended to the New Ireland offer.
One of the largest Life Insurers ( Irish Life) do not discount their products and as result tend to be at least 15% dearer on most quotes. Irish Life is a fine Company but with the resources it has available we would really like if they also reduced their prices.
So we are delighted that New Ireland are stepping into the discount market and hope they will maintain this policy. New Ireland have some excellent products, especially their convertible mortgage protection . The New Ireland offer is due to expire at the end of December 2019.
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