Why choose mortgages.ie?

01 April 2021
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Why Choose Mortgages.ie

Here at Mortgages.ie we search the market on your behalf to find the lender who will offer the highest mortgage facility levels and the best value mortgage.

We will be looking at introductory rates and incentives, comparing all fixed and variable rates and looking into the future to see what rates apply after a fixed rate period.

Mortgages.ie provides impartial information on mortgages in Ireland. We advise you clearly on affordability levels so that you can enjoy your home while not taking on unsustainable debt. Our role is to look after you in making the right mortgage decision and manage the mortgage process until you move into your new home.


We have years of experience


Our business was established in 1994 and is managed by Shane Lavin, a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years' experience. Our team are all experienced and qualified advisers and we are driven by looking after your needs and getting you the best mortgage.

We are authorised as a Mortgage Credit Intermediary by The Central Bank of Ireland and we are one of Ireland's leading mortgage advisers having advised thousands of clients on mortgages and related financial products.


We streamline the home buying process


Buying a home can feel intimidating, especially when you are a first time buyer and may not be aware of what is involved in the process. We get that here! Our team will guide you through the steps it takes it get there, from the pre-approval stage to getting the keys to your new home! It's so helpful having knowledgeable advisers on your side, working for you and keeping this process as stress-free as possible. After all this should be an exciting time in your life!

Our services include.

  • Meeting you at convenient times and locations
  • Advising on a range of mortgage providers
  • Advising on a range of rate options
  • Advising on borrowing limits
  • Preparation of detailed recommendations for lenders
  • Provision of all appropriate documentation to support recommendation


We research each banks lending criteria for you

There is significant variation in lending practices between the mortgage lenders in Ireland.

These differences range from varying loan to value ratios, to wide variations in the absolute amount a lender will advance, due to the use of a range of different formulae in calculating how much you can borrow.

Our Banks who are all household names each have their own criteria for assessing a mortgage. Some banks have preferences for particular groups.

For example, one bank might prefer high income single applicants whereas others have a preference for family mortgages with perhaps lower borrowing levels.

Some lenders will consolidate debt on a remortgage whereas others have no appetite for debt consolidation.

As a result mortgage approval levels and conditions vary according your circumstances between the banks. Approvals may vary across the following areas:

  • The level of funds banks will be prepared to advance to you.
  • The conditions attaching to an advance
  • The interest rates they will charge on their mortgage
  • The long term rates applicable to the mortgage product at the end of a fixed rate periods


