Corona virus
The world has changed in the past four months. I was reading an annual report for a major company recently and within the report was a section on corporate risks, included as a standard feature to help investors understand issues that might impact on the company's performance. Tucked away on about page 70 was a single word reference to a pandemic being one of a range of threats to the business.
Little did I know that this threat was enough to destabilize the whole world in the space of a few short months and a pandemic was perhaps the biggest threat to the company's existence and to the lives of millions of people across the world.
As I write we are in the middle of the pandemic, or perhaps we are only at the start!
Over the next number of weeks we will record what we think might happen and how it will affect our business and the lives and actions of our customers, our lenders and out life insurance companies. We will consider a whole range of issues including,
The Housing Market
Mortgage Approval Policies
Mortgage Rates
Life Insurance and Mortgage Protection payments