Houses begining to move again.

26 November 2008
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Current indications are that house sales have begun to pick up .Sellers are realising that prices have dropped and are being more realistic about asking prices.

Whilst there is a slower delivery of credit by lenders there are encouraging signs of increased activity on a number of fronts.

One of the unusual features of this downturn is the speed at which it has happened and perhaps the internet and the rapid flow of information on prices has been an important factor in buyers calculations of reasonable buying prices.

From our perspective we have seen increased activity on our website and application levels have increased when compared to November 2007.

Also for the first time in a long time we are begining to notice "sold" signs on properties.

Hopefully the EU stimulus package will breadth life into the Euro economies.

We expect interest rates to fall further which will be important for both mortgage holders and business.

