Fixed rates offer good value in present climate
Everyday we have calls from young people who are fed up paying rent and they seem to get really annoyed when they get a rent increase notice.
One feature of today's financial market, that should make things easier, is the availability of low fixed rates.
Use our mortgage calculator to review the monthly cost of 5, 7 and 10 year fixed rate mortgages and compare these payments to current rental obligations.
For Example:
1.You can fix your repayments on a €250,000 mortgage for 7 years at €1,100 per month
2. If buying a new home, you can avail of the help to buy scheme which could give 5% of the purchase price meaning you just need to save 5% yourself.
3. You can also use the extra money you were paying on rent to fast track the repayment of your mortgage, so that in seven years time you could be in a good position to move again.