Different approaches to smokers across life companies

16 October 2017
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As one can imagine, smoking increase life insurance and mortgage protection costs significantly. Buying a new home is really a fantastic time to give up smoking as a new chapter in your life begins.. The health benefits and monetary savings are truly significant.

To be considered a non smoker for life insurance and mortgage protection insurance you need to declare that you have been free of all tobacco based products for twelve months (cigarette, cigars, loose tobacco). Otherwise smoker rates apply.

The rules in regard to the treatment of e cigarette smoking vary between companies, with Aviva and New Ireland allowing non smoker status if you have not smoked but have used e cigarettes for at least one year. Zurich will load e smokers premiums by 50%. The remaining life companies ( Irish Life, Friends First and Royal London) do not differentiate between smoking and e cigarettes.

Royal London are the only Company who will review the smoking status during the term of the policy taken out with them and may offer non smoker rates on receipt of a declaration that the policy holder has not smoked for the previous twelve months. Terms and conditions apply.

