Lender Facilities: Compare First Time Buyers Facilities

Allied Irish Banks

Guarantors: See Haven Mortages/ AiB sUBSIDIARY
% loan to value: Same new business rates
100% facility:
Interest only:
Room rental:
Deferred payments:
Multiple borrowers:
Valuation Fees:
Indemnity Bond:
Maximum Term:
Maximum Age at End of Term:


% loan to value: Closed permanently
100% facility:
Interest only:
Room rental:
Deferred payments:
Multiple borrowers:
Valuation Fees:
Indemnity Bond:
Maximum Term:
Maximum Age at End of Term:

Permanent TSB

Guarantors: One bed max 65%
% loan to value: 90% to 220k(80% balance)
100% facility: no--Special % cash back incentive
Interest only: no
Room rental: not taken into account
Deferred payments: FTB - Yes 6 month max
Multiple borrowers: no
Valuation Fees: no
Indemnity Bond: no
Maximum Term: 35 years
Maximum Age at End of Term: 70

Haven - AIB Group

Guarantors: no
% loan to value: 90%
100% facility: no
Interest only: no
Room rental: No impact
Deferred payments: No
Multiple borrowers: 2
Valuation Fees: Paid by client
Indemnity Bond: No
Maximum Term: 35 years
Maximum Age at End of Term: 68

Bank of Ireland

Guarantors: Contact Bank of Ireland
% loan to value:
100% facility:
Interest only:
Room rental:
Deferred payments:
Multiple borrowers:
Valuation Fees:
Indemnity Bond:
Maximum Term:
Maximum Age at End of Term:

Ulster Bank

% loan to value: Closed for business
100% facility:
Interest only:
Room rental:
Deferred payments:
Multiple borrowers:
Valuation Fees:
Indemnity Bond:
Maximum Term:
Maximum Age at End of Term:

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